day 12 - Thu

Time to say goodbye … The parents take all students to school a bit earlier than usual, so there is sufficient time to say goodbye, share tears and hugs and take lots of photos in front of the school building.
Then Wilmette students leave for their classes and the German students have time in the library to sort out things for the day and work on their scrapbooks.
At ten a.m. an original yellow school bus takes us to Old Orchard Shopping Mall for last purchases and then to O´Hare airport. Despite the traffic, Michael, our driver takes us there on time and we get through all check ins without any problems this time. 
The flight has a delay but in Frankfurt we get our connecting flight to Münster/Greven without much waiting then.
Exhausted from the overnight flight, sad to have left our friends in the US, but also happy to return to the families we grab the luggage and go to the entrance hall.
This time one piece of luggage is missing:( - but Lufthansa has already checked it in Frankfurt and will take it directly to the family.
We have a happy family reunion and many  `Dankeschöns´ with flowers and sweets for the teachers and then everybody heads home.
The tip is: Take a short nap only and then go to bed at a regular time.
CU all on Monday - it´s only two days of school …

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Maria-Sibylla-Merian-Gymnasium Telgte
August-Winkhaus-Str. 4
48291 Telgte

Tel.: 02504 - 73 42 78
Fax.: 02504 - 73 42 79

