day 5 - Thu

today we visit New Trier Highschool. That is where students go after having finished WJHS. It´s a huge campus for about 3000 students from the whole region. Frau Stabinsky and her senior-year-students (they´re in their last year) are waiting for us. They give us a tour of their school and it is amazing.
They have an indoor sports arena, two gyms, a climbing hall, a swimming pool, a theatre for 1.000 people, all sorts of rooms for different skills from Arts to Zen Buddhism. Not to speak of rooms for regular classes. 
We have lunch in the cafeteria - you can choose between Italian pasta and Mexican burritos, or between burgers and sandwiches, or variation of salads, or,or,or,…! Hungry kids can easily spend 20$ on a lunch meal;) You won’t want to pay that every day.
We also profited from school nurse who helped us stop a bleeding nose.
The next stop is a little shopping plaza - it´s fascinating how time consuming a supermarket and a Starbucks can be. But we reach the Bahaj Temple before the rain gets us. In the Welcome Center they give us a video of what that religion is like - bringing the best of all religions together for the benefit of mankind. We all converted instantly;)
In the afternoon some students met downtown Wilmette and also revived contacts with former WJHS students. For the adults there was a reunion party that brought together teachers, hosts and guests of the exchanges since 2008.
Tomorrow we´re at Wrigley Field, Home of the Chicago Cubs baseball club…


Maria-Sibylla-Merian-Gymnasium Telgte
August-Winkhaus-Str. 4
48291 Telgte

Tel.: 02504 - 73 42 78
Fax.: 02504 - 73 42 79

